Wasteboard (33.5 x 16.5) with CC corner guide brackets

Created by - IrishCAPT

Date Created - 2022-08-16

Last Update - 2022-08-17 12:52:05

Status - published

Large wasteboard requires a precut 33.5" x 16.5" x .75" piece of MDF. Center piece laterally (along Y-Axis) and leading edge flush (parallel) with front of original wasteboard.

132 threaded inserts: https://shop.carbide3d.com/collections/workholding/products/threaded-inserts-qty-100?variant=31454283956285

Carbide Create Bracket can be found at: https://shop.carbide3d.com/collections/workholding/products/carbide-corner-square-guides?variant=31487905988669

Endmills required: CC #201 (or equivalent 1/4" upcut ) for most of project, and CC #251 (or equivalant 1/4" downcut) for recessing the brackets.

Also included are the simple wasteboard version files without the Carbide Create Corner Bracket system.

Type Length Width Thickness Job Zero
Name Type Tool Feedrate Plungerate Cut Depth